Moments before her death, Faith tells a different story, about how Joseph took her when she was 17, drugged her and threatened her. Unlike Rachel, Tracey soon realized the Cult's duplicity and left them, while Rachel immersed herself completely in the ideology of Eden's Gate.
According to Faith, the Father welcomed her, introducing her to a strict moral code without drugs and alcohol whereby she recovered from her addiction. Things changed for her when she met Joseph. Tracey searched for a new home and found the Project at Eden's Gate, and Faith decided to return with her to Hope County to join the cult. But Rachel and Tracey fell on harder drugs and fell out of favor with their community.

And she could not fight even when it was to save her own damned skin." According to Sheriff Whitehorse, Tracey and Rachel, who were friends, 'joined a free spirit movement in the west, smoking doobies, banging on drums'. It was the only thing we ever fought about before. Good ain't nice and Rachel did not get that.

Tracey described Rachel as a person who was always too nice, who always kept the peace and was ready to agree, "avoiding fights instead of realizing when a fight needed to happen. Due to her personality and naivety Faith suffered a lot of abuse and, as a result, turned to drugs for comfort. Before the atrium was converted into a Bliss research facility, Faith's mother grew orchids in one of the greenhouses. Faith's father was a doctor who experimented with plants as part of an altruistic effort to save people. The current Faith was born to the affluent Jessop family that owned a conservatory in the eastern part of Hope County. It should be noted, however, that these bits of information are sometimes based on hearsay and come from people who are often profoundly biased against Faith. Only a sketchy account of Faith's life can be pieced together from various dialogs with other residents of Hope County. In the game files, Faith is often referred to as Selena Seed, which indicates that at some point during the development of the game Faith's original name was meant to be Selena but they changed it for some reason, just like Virgil Knutsen, the mayor of Fall's End, was renamed Virgil Minkler. It is unknown if the black-haired woman and Lana were the same person, or if yet another woman wrote an unsigned confession of doubt. From other notes found in-game, she is the latest 'Faith' and possibly at least the third or fourth one it is known a blonde named Selena replaced a woman with black hair, and the corpse of a woman named Lana was disposed of after her death. In-game dialogue from Tracey, as well as a phone recording from Faith herself, reveals her name to be Rachel Jessop. Faith is not this young woman's real name, as Joseph mentions she was "not the first" to carry it.