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( Spens.) to brace, to fasten, or bind:- pr.p. an embracing: fond pressure in the arms.- ns. to take in the arms: to press to the bosom with affection: to take eagerly or willingly: to comprise: to admit, adopt, or receive.- v.i. to place in a bower: to shelter, as with trees.- p.adjs. properly, to enclose in something else but also used for disembowel, to remove the entrails from:- pr.p. Embowed′, arched, vaulted: bent like a bow: the heraldic term noting anything bent like a bow-as, e.g., the arm of a man. ( Shak.) to bound, enclose.Įmbow, em-bō′, v.t. the mouth of a river: the mouth-hole of a wind musical instrument. ( Milton) to plunge into the depths of a wood.- v.t. Emboss′er Emboss′ment, a prominence like a boss: raised-work. Embossed′, formed or covered with bosses: raised, standing out in relief: ( bot.) having a protuberance in the centre.- ns. to produce (a raised pattern) by pressure upon sheet-metal, leather, cloth, &c.: to ornament with raised-work: ( Spens.) to cover with armour: to be wrapped in.- p.adj. to take into the bosom: to receive into the affections: to enclose or surround. imboscáta, an ambuscade.Įmbosom, em-booz′um, Imbosom, im-, v.t. ( Milton) to border.Įmboscata, em-bos-kā′ta, n. stoutness, plumpness, well-fed condition.


stout, plump, full in figure, mostly of women: well-fed.- n. Em′bolus, the clot of fibrin obstructing a blood-vessel, causing embolism. the insertion of days in an account of time to produce regularity: an intercalated prayer for deliverance from evil coming after the Lord's Prayer: ( med.) the presence of obstructing clots in the blood-vessels.- adjs. to cause to burn with anger: to irritate.Įmbolden, em-bōld′n, Imbolden, im-, v.t. to discharge itself.Įmboil, em-boil′, v.i. Embod′iment, act of embodying: state of being embodied: that in which something is embodied. to form into a body: to make corporeal: to make tangible: to express (an idea in words): to organise.- v.i. to cover with blossom.Įmbody, em-bod′i, Imbody, im-, v.t.

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to cover with bloom.Įmblossom, em-blos′om, v.t. crops raised by the labour of the cultivator, but not fruits nor grass. Emblem′atist, a writer or inventor of emblems. Emblem′atise, Em′blemise, to represent by an emblem:- pr.p. Emblemat′ic, -al, pertaining to or containing emblems: symbolical: representing.- adv. a picture representing to the mind something different from itself: a type or symbol: ( Milton) an inlaid ornament.- v.t. Emblā′zoner Emblā′zonment, an emblazoning Emblā′zonry, the art of emblazoning or adorning: devices on shields. to deck in blazing colours: ( her.) to blazon or adorn with figures: to depict heraldically.- v.t. to make bitter: to increase (ill-feeling).- p.adj. Embezz′lement, fraudulent appropriation of another's property by the person to whom it was entrusted Embezz′ler. to appropriate fraudulently what has been entrusted.- ns. a kind of sea-fowl, the Great Northern Diver. Em′ber-week, the week in which the ember-days occur. the three Fast-days in each quarter (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)-following the first Sunday in Lent, Whitsunday, Holy Cross Day (Sept. red-hot ashes: smouldering remains of a fire. a live piece of coal or wood: chiefly in pl. Embell′ishment, act of embellishing or adorning: decoration: ornament. to make beautiful with ornaments: to decorate: to make graceful: to illustrate pictorially, as a book.- n. Embed′ment, the act of embedding: state of being embedded.Įmbellish, em-bel′ish, v.t.

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to place in a mass of matter: to lay, as in a bed.- n. to range in order of battle: to arm- p.adj. Embatt′led, furnished with battlements: ( her.) having the outline like a battlement.- n. Em′bassade, Em′bassage (same as Ambassage) Embass′ador (same as Ambassador).Įmbattle, em-bat′l, v.t. the charge or function of an ambassador: the person or persons sent on an undertaking.- ns. ( obs.) to bring down: to degrade.- p.adj. Embarr′assment, perplexity or confusion: difficulties in money matters.- Embarras des richesses, a superabundance of materials, an abundance so great that choice is difficult. Embarr′assed, perplexed: constrained.- n. to encumber: to involve in difficulty, esp. Embarkā′tion, a putting or going on board: that which is embarked: ( obs.) a vessel.- p.adjs. to go on board ship: to engage in a business: to enlist.- n. to put on board ship: to engage in any affair.- v.i. a temporary order from the Admiralty to prevent the arrival or departure of ships: a stoppage of trade for a short time by authority:- pl. Embank′ment, the act of embanking: a bank or mound made to keep water within certain limits: a mound constructed so as to carry a level road or railway over a low-lying place. to enclose or defend with a bank or dike.- n. Fāte, fär mē, hėr mīne mōte mūte mōōn then.Įmbank, em-bangk′, v.t.

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